Brand Yourself and Not your Company.

One of the biggest problems I see online, especially in network marketing is this. People get into a business opportunity and then they plaster that business opportunity all over their Facebook wall and everywhere.
Their profile picture becomes a picture of their product, there cover photo, represents all the companies products. They change where they work to the company name and it’s like aliens have taken over your friend and they no longer no how to be human.
Not that you shouldn’t be proud of our company, or 100% in this with them. so I think it is important that I share with you a little bit of the psychology about why it’s important to brand yourself.
So I am going to share why you should brand yourself as well as how you can brand yourself!
Why you Should Brand Yourself, not your company!
Why To brand yourself tip #1
First off …People buy from people and brands they like, know and trust. So…you need to become the type of person and brand that people like, know and trust.
When you brand yourself, you are creating trust, credibility and authority in the eyes of your prospect and network.
You need to brand yourself to set yourself apart from the marketplace. It’s a noisy world we live in and you need to be heard and seen.
If you are not branding yourself why would someone buy from you over other people that are slinging the same the products or service?
The best thing is you are the only you, so you can set yourself apart by just being yourself. This also makes it soooo much easier to create great content online that is authentic.
Ultimately people want to buy from people.
People don’t connect with faceless brands and product shots.
Why to Brand yourself Tip #2
The second reason you need to build that brand around you is because unfortunately, Network marketing companies, direct sales and affiliate companies come and go.
I know you’re thinking my business is not going anywhere, but what happens if it did?
I’ve seen it happen, (even ones that have been around for a long time) crash and burn. Or a big leader leaves and wipes out your sales team. Maybe a comp plan changed and you had to switch companies.
Or the company runs out of inventory or any other reason and you had to switch companies.
If all you ever did was talk about one company all the time and products all the time and then you make the switch, people will lose trust in you. they will think because you said this was the best, and no this is the best. They will lose trust.
YOU are the brand, and YOU are the expert. Not your product or company.
Because here’s the deal…companies come and go…but you last forever!
All the experience and knowledge you gain while prospecting, recruiting and team building cannot be taken away from YOU.
Why to Brand yourself tip #3
People do their own research. PERIOD! If they can google the products and company you are with, why do they need you?
Let me say that again. WHY Would They Need YOU?!
You will probably NEVER know they were interested.
You could lose them to buying a product or service similar.
They may realize that someone they know also sells that product or service and they will reach out to them.
Maybe they look for someone that lives closer to them to join their sales team.
They have no reason to reach out to you if they can do a quick google search and do their own research.
How does that make you feel? No knowing had you not mentioned the products and company name you’d have more people reaching out to you!!
How to Brand yourself tip #1
If you are not talking about your products, service and company what do I do and how in the HELL do I get customers and build a business?
Add VALUE!!!
Educate your network. This can be about your products, service or even the business opportunity. WITH OUT saying the product name or company name.
If you are in a skin care company maybe you add value by giving 5 steps to clearing up acne.
Or if its a weightloss company, maybe it is a weight loss hack or you top apps to help you lose weight.
Ask yourself…Who am I trying to attract? Who are the people…then you will know what it is they need to know.
I learned this from my mentor Ray Higdon. It is called the I.L.T.
Invest, Learn, teach and I changed it to Interests, Learn, Teach.
Invest time into learning something that interests you and the people you are trying to attract.
Learn something! Learn some tips, tricks, hacks, how to’s.
Teach it!
This will attract the people to you.
SO you are going to ADD VALUE, ATTRACT the PEOPLE and the next step how to brand yourself is to build a relationship with them. Connect with the people and find out how you can help them and serve them. It’s not the fastest way to tell them about your products and service, but it works and works well!!
How to Brand yourself tip #2
Pick 5 things, hobbies, topics you are passionate about.
Your content should be around these categories. This way you can connect with people who like the same things you do. You can connect with people who have the same challenges and lifestyle you do!!
Not only is this going to help you find your people it’s going to make content creation so much easier!
Why?!? Just remember, you have to build a relationship with your people before you’re going to make any sales, and so you want to relate to them. This is how you are going to find YOUR PEOPLE!
Also this will help you to simply and authenticily show up every day consistently on social media.
It’s going to be very hard and not nearly as much fun unless you are talking about the things that interest you.
Make a list of 5 topics!
Why you should Brand yourself - wrap up
You don’t have to be an expert in anything to brand yourself and to start building. Just start giving value and you will start building your tribe and your community.
You must show up consistently and talk about the things that excite you everyday. The things you love
Show up, give value, let people know that you exist.
Your brand will evolve and the key ingredient is to keep showing up so people see you.
It takes time to brand yourself
The reason why you don’t see a lot of trainers or network marketing leaders teaching branding is because it takes
I know you have heard the saying…Anything worthwhile takes time.
I want you to be thinking long term in your business, not short term. It’s going to take time, but time well spent!!
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