7 Reasons You’re NOT Hitting Your Goals

If just setting goals is what it took to make stuff happen we’d have so many millionaires, pro athletes and entrepreneurs slaying! It’s not that easy so I am sharing 7 reasons you’re not smashing your goals.
I am obsessed with setting goals and smashing them, and early on I realized I do things different than those I was around at that time. Id take a goal, and ask myself, “what do I have to do to make that happen?”.
I’s make a list with all those things, and ask myself again, “What do I have to do to make these things happen?”. I’d make another list, and this process went on and on and on and on. This process would be done until I had very very small daily list of activities I had to do.
It took these LARGE CRAZY GOALS, and made them seem so possible. So I started teaching my friends what I was doing and what the process was.
Quickly realizing most people have the same hang ups and are doing or not doing the same things. So with that experience I am going to share what those common denominators are for why you aren’t hitting your goals.
Truthfully I could make this a lot shorter by telling you, that you are not hitting your goals because you don’t have a clear picture of what you really want.
You don’t believe it is possible or that you are really capable and you don’t take enough action or the right action.
But I want to to dive a little deeper into 7 reasons why you aren’t hitting your goals.
Lack of Clarity
Not knowing exactly what you want. Not knowing what it really takes to get there. Not have a clear vision or picture of what you want.
If you don’t have clarity on what you want how will you ever know how to get there, or how do you know if you are on the right track or even made it to the destination.
You Expect too much, too soon
Often times people have a lottery ticket mentality. As a culture we get off on having instant gratification.
It takes time, and timing is different for everyone.
You compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 15. You’ve got to get your expectations in check!!
You get burned out
Oh I see this one all the time. I call it peak performances!!
People go gung ho in action and activity for a few days or a week, then they take the next few weeks or months off because they got burnt out.
They didn’t pace themselves.
If this is you, I want you to know you will always get burnt out using this strategy. It’s small action steps every day that are going to get you far.
Strive to use the strategy of a high performer, not a peak performer.
A little bit of action every day will win the race every time. This is the long game strategy. If you want to be around crushing your goals for years to come, this is your best bet!
You're trying to be perfect
The fear of looking stupid!! If everything is just right I will do it. NOT, if you want to see results!
Do it sloppy, do it messy, do it before you are ready!! That is when you will start getting better. Just by doing it.
PLUS, people don’t relate to perfect. So get out there and do it messy. Like NIKE says, “Just Do it!”
You are never going to be perfect neither is your work.
You let got of the throttle too soon.
You stop too soon!! You are going and going and going, getting ready to take off and someone or something causes you to let off the throttle.
When you start making progress, it’s tempting to let go of the throttle and look back to see where you are.
The problem is you slow down to look behind you. Two things you aren’t going that way and you slowed down.
When you have Clarity, you know where you are going you know its not time to look back because you haven’t got to the destination.
Let me share a story with you.
Have you ever had to push a car?
Well I drove a lot of junk cars in my time as a driver, so I have had to push a few out of intersections. Or the 1989 VW Jetta I drove in the late 90’s and I didn’t have reverse. So I’d always have to push my car out of a parking spot, if I couldn’t pull through. anyway……
If you’ve never done this character building activity let me tell you about it. If you have done this you know what I am going to say. The easiest way to push a car is to get it rocking back and forth, get it moving. Once you get it rocking you can then get it slowly rolling forward. Once you get it going you don’t want to stop too soon or you won’t make it to your destination. Once the car starts rolling forward, it gets easier to push. Same for your business, once you get it going, keep going.
Always commit to keep going until you reach success – and make an effort to maintain it when you have it.
This will help you stay on your toes, build positive momentum through repeated effort and keep old habits away.
Lack of Belief
Lack of belief in yourself will stop you from hitting your goals every single time.
The thief of living your best life!
Lack of belief in yourself, the system, the idea, the reality.
Whatever it is you have to believe in yourself first. Don’t let the little voices stop you. Don’t let the people around you say things to stop you.
Expect those are going to happen. It’s a guarantee. Just do the daily activities in spite of.
It's not that important to you
Is it? Try saying this out loud.
I am NOT hitting my goal because it’s not that important to me.
How does that make you feel?
There is your answer.
Wrap Up
Now that you know seven reasons you aren’t hitting your goals, you can make some adjustments.
Use some of these ideas towards your goals and nothing will stop you from hitting your goals, and living your wildest dreams.
What is one thing you can put into action right now??
Did you make any that aren’t on the list? Leave a comment below and let me know!
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Oh my gosh I’ve missed watching you
yay! All well.
Be full time in my business!
That dang daily checklist haha
achieve foundation level (pink) in my business.
Working on my business
You are the best
Maybe more videos
Lose 50lbs (worked out this morning). Grow my business (sent opportunity messages to 20ppl already this morning)
Working 19 custo
Giving up soda!
Oops. Helping 10 customers with their skin makeup concerns 3 personal consultations booked
This month
Thanks, Liz!!!!
Thanks Liz. U r the beat
Become independent and I can complete my daily tasks today!!!
If you need support and want to take your goal setting to the next level get on my waiting list for this incredible course. http://lizmedley.pages.ontraport.net/90DayPush
Me please👆
Getting a new car🙄