What our team has been doing to GROW our Network Marketing TEAM!

Our Team is trying something new and it is AMAZING!  Today’s episode will blow your mind!

Here are ways that we’ve been doing to grow our TEAM and it is working every time.

I personally have been going LIVE in my teammates facebook groups. Some are customer VIP groups, some have created new facebook groups just for prospects that are interested in learning more about what we do.  After every time I have gone LIVE my teammates are following up and we are adding a record number of teammates to our team.

Here are a few steps for the presentation:

  • Create new Facebook group or
  • If you already have a Facebook group you can use that one.
  • After creating a Facebook group invite your prospects to learn more
  • Schedule a follow up time after the LIVE

Step #1: Talk about the leadership

Be proud of our leaders so don’t hesitate to talk about them to your prospects.

Let them know that your leader loves to have fun. Let them know that your leader is educated and knowledgeable and then let them know that you’re in a position to make a lot of money.

Make sure also that you touch the four different types of personality. Why? Because some people just want to have fun and some may want to make money.

Step #2: Tell your story

I do not have rags to riches story. I am just a typical 30-year-old American. Tell your story so people can relate to you. Sharing your experiences and struggles will help people to relate to you because they might be facing the same challenges. We are facing different struggles and there is someone out there who can relate to you. Ask if they can relate and it’ll bring comments and when comments come in more people are then seeing this business presentation inside of this group.

Step #3: How the opportunity was presented to you

Share how the business was presented to you that made you decide to join the team?

Step # 4: Result

What are the results you have since you started taking action?! Here are some examples:
As a result of the action, I’ve been working from home full time since February 2015.
I’m living a debt free life. I’m able to have a retirement.
I’m able to pay for my daughter’s private school tuition.
I have a College fund for my daughter. We get to travel the world.

Step #5: Talk about the company

Was your company featured in a magazine? Why did it start? Is it mission based? How do you earn money? Are there bonuses included, tax benefits or if there are trip incentives?

Now let’s go to the question why did it start? If it’s mission-based who are the owners?

You should spend probably like 5 to 10 minutes on this but don’t go into depth. Don’t go into depth about it.

Step #6: How to receive training

Training is an essential part of growth. We do training through the back offices of our website. We have youtube training if someone likes to watch videos. If they like to read, we have a Facebook group created for Our team and that has video and links to blog.

Step #7: Vision

Close your eyes, imagine and paint a picture. Imagine being able to pay for your daughter’s wedding without going into debt. Imagine being able to grocery shop without touching your family budget. Imagine all you stay at home moms being able to pay for your pedicure and manicure without asking your husband. Pretty awesome, right?

Step #8: Close

The close is really really important and I’ll leave the close to the leader. Ask if do have any question and if you don’t have any questions and let’s do another training.

You can do this and you create an event and do it. You can do it in their customer group. You can do it in a group that they’ve created just for prospects. You can also do a dual live, whatever works best.

I hope this helps you get an idea of how you should lay out your business presentation.

If you enjoyed what you watched, read or heard from this free training page, please feel free to share, distribute, and post this content so your team can benefit from it too. Thank you!

Most people I speak to want some sort of success in their life. Yet the fear of success is one of those fears that most people won’t face either personally or as an entrepreneur!

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SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel » http://bit.ly/2EnizeJ for new videos! 


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