Switching Network Marketing Companies?

Is it time for you to switch Network Marketing companies?
Are you tired of everything that is going on and you’re ready to just jump ship? Or maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and just keep holding out because you fear you’re making a mistake.
You don’t want to be labeled a ‘quitter’ or you are afraid of the rumors that will be spread. Or maybe you think you don’t have the energy to rebuild, or thoughts creep in that maybe you got lucky the first time and can’t rebuild.
Or maybe you just need to hold where you are and actually get to work. Do the things that you know need done. Because if you don’t do the activities where you are at, what makes you think it is going to be any different at any other company.
Maybe you are afraid of what others will think because you are promoting something else. They think people will think poorly of them because they are onto something else. The truth is they don’t care that much about you. They care what is in it for them.
I am sharing the good the bad and ugly.
The first thing to consider is when you should NOT switch network marketing companies.
Here are some of the most common reasons why people quit and move on are HORRIBLE reasons to switch companies. Here they are…
The Grass is Greener
If you are thinking of bailing on your network marketing company because your girlfriend joined a new deal that seems super cool and she’s crushing it…don’t! When we are struggling in our current situation, it often seems like Oh it must be my products or service that is the issue. Oh the have better prices, better products oh it must be better. It’s not true. The grass is green where you water it.
It takes the same set of skills to make it in any network marketing company.
If you switch companies to head over to a greener pastures, you are going to discover that there are weeds knee high over there too.
Your upline sucks
You don’t need an upline, you need a downline. You need a sales team. This excuse is just straight up DUMB!!
If you succeed you think you can give your upline credit? DId she or he do the work? NO!!!! Same for if you fail and don’t make shit happen. It isn’t your uplines fault.
You still have to do the work, get the no’s, go through the numbers and grow your skills. If your upline sucks…That sucks, but don’t let that be the reason you switch network marketing companies.
Your area is saturated
Stop with saturation BS! I live in a town of 40,000 there are about 20 car dealerships and about 10 places to buy mattress’. THink about this. How many mattress have you bought in your lifetime?? Really, so if saturation was real in business, why would there be as many mattress stores and car dealerships.
First I want to say most business’ do not make it past the 5 year mark. 21% fail in the first year. 50% fail before the 5 year mark. SO just because your girlfriend is crushing it doesn’t mean you will. It also is high risk joining a new start up company.
And with anything new you are going to have challenges, hang ups and growing pains. It’s a business. So If you are thinking this is going to improve your chances of having a successful sales team and customer base you are wrong. DON’T SWITCH because of this.
Reasons you should switch companies
There are times when it is just time to switch and truthfully it can be ugly. I have seen it on both sides. I’ve seen people leave and be nasty, I have seen people leave and the people who loved them the day before be nasty. There is going to be criticism. Criticism from leadership, family, outsiders looking in, and from people you least suspect.
Just know they don’t pay your bills, and in a couple months they are going to move over to someone else to hate on. And on a side note don’t be that kind of leaders. you never know when someone will want to come back or you may need a new home.
Company has Financial troubles
This can show up in many ways. An obvious one is if you aren’t getting paid on time.
Some signs you may not know you needed to look for would be:
Top leaders leaving in masses, inventory being cleared out and not being replaced or not being replaced in a timely fashion. Perks and rewards being attached to activity that is not attached to the company paying out commissions to those doing the work to earn perks. So the company pays you in points to earn a reward instead of money.
They borrow money or take out loans for payroll and other expenses, They lay off mass amount of corporate staff.
These are some signs of financial trouble. These are also great reasons to make a switch. I had a mentor tell me, “You aren’t the captain of the ship and you don’t have to go down with it.”
You lose your passion
When it’s just not fun anymore. If you aren’t enjoying this journey, you should ask yourself why? If you stop bringing in new teammates because you aren’t excited or are afraid they can’t make the business work. Or that they are going to hate their products or service. Or stop selling the products because you are afraid the feedback your customer is going to give you. Yeah it’s time to go!
Or maybe you never were super passionate to begin with. Maybe you feel into it, or did it because a friend got you in, find something else.
Never stay because of others or their expectations of you. That’s not a good enough reason to stay where you …or your teammates are not winning. When you switch network marketing companies and find something that you are truly passionate about, you are going to feel soooo much better.
I know for me, when I made the switch, I felt like I could BREATHE for the first time in a long time. A weight was off my chest. That if I stay I am a liar and if I leave I am a traitor was GONE!!
Team culture is toxic
If you don’t feel celebrated and the team is clicky and toxic, run baby run! No one has time for that.
If you don’t feel included, you don’t like the conversations happening. leave.
If only the ideas of certain levels are heard and they aren’t the ones in the field doing the work, leave. If you feel like a number and not a heart beat leave!!!
Mean girl mentality?? LEAVE
Kicking you out of chats and groups..Leave
Switching Network marketing companies? Wrap up
Most importantly, you should NEVER stay in a network company out of some misguided loyalty, or for fear that your teammates and leaders will gossip and call you a quitter.
If you have seen what they said about others, it’s going to be about the same thing they say about you. Truthfully no matter how you leave. You can leave quiet and they talk shizzz, you can leave loud and they talk shizz….
Or maybe they have klout, posture and are stand up people. Then you have to leave in a professional way and not be disruptive.
If you are unhappy and want to go, then get moving, pretty…Time is ticking. Don’t waste time, trying to please other people instead of doing what is right for you.
If you feel out of integrity and the situation doesn’t feel congruent to your core values… or just plain feels wrong, you’ll struggle to have success, anyway.
I know how it feels to be faced with having to make this tough decision…It’s not an easy one.
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