Social Media Tips To Kickstart Your Business

I am sharing with you 5 social media tips that will help you use social media to grow your business… if you’re new or just getting started.
This is freaking great if you want to start leveraging your time and using your phone to generate an income.
Or, so you can take your business with you around the world…ummmm…. or stay at home work in your jammie’s.
To give you an idea of how powerful this is…. I got 17 new customers with 1 post…. soooo social media does work.
Social Media Tips That Will Help You kickstart Your Business On Social Media
Social Media is a great way to truly leverage your time, scale your business and get your message in front of soo many people and often times 100% for FREE!!
I know business owners can become overwhelmed with social media, but they cool thing is it’s hard to screw up. Just stay consistent like anything and you will find growth.
Tip #1 – Pick your social platform & stick to it
Tip number one is pick your social media platform and stick to it until you master it.
I cannot tell you how many times people come to me and say, “Liz, I feel so overwhelmed trying to be everywhere and I am not getting any results from any of them.”
The thing is of course you are overwhelmed and not getting results. You aren’t using any of the platforms well, when you are trying to be on all of them.
You’ll get better and much QUICKER results if you pick one social media outlet and master it. SLAY IT!!!
If you’re not too sure what platform is best to use for you and your business, ask yourself. What social media outlet do you spend the most time on, or what social media platform do you check first.
Tip #2 – Pick 5 categories or Topics of interest to revolve your posts around
This may come hard to you if you have never slowed down to celebrate things you are great at, love and or enjoy doing.
For others you will have a long list and have to narrow it down!
Write down five categories or topics of interests that you can revolve your posts around on that one Social Media platform you have picked.
To make this fun and simple for you, it doesn’t have to revolve around your business. Incase you are new here, I am all about teaching you to brand yourself, not a business, company, product or service. BRAND YOU!
So, It’s just five areas of interest that you personally have.
Why?!? Just remember, you have to build a relationship with your people before you’re going to make any sales, and so you want to relate to them. This is how you are going to find YOUR PEOPLE!
Also this will help you to simply and authenticly show up every day consistently on social media.
It’s going to be very hard and not nearly as much fun unless you are talking about the things that interest you.
Once you do this you’ll naturally start attracting people that like the things you do.
Grab a piece of paper and write out five different categories or topics of interest that you could talk about.
Here are a few examples and topics:
- Dogs, cats or pets in general
- Alternative medicine or natural wellness
- Faith, religion, spirituality
- Fashion
- Beauty Tips
- Travel
- Food, Cooking, Cocktails
- Lifestyle, parenting, hobbies
- Fitness
- Diets
Think of five things that you get excited to talk about, or would get excited to talk about on social media consistently to build a relationship with your audience.
If they are things you are truly into, coming up with content and getting pictures will be much simpler.
Tip #3 – Schedule your posts each week
It’s important that you schedule out your posts on a weekly basis. This way your posting consistently and your working the algorithm in your favor.
It doesn’t matter what social media channel you’re using, you need to show up consistently every single day with a post that is intentional.
Sometimes I will use the facebook built in scheduler, but I have found another tool that I like much better. Smarterqueue, check it out HERE.
It’s always a good idea to block out some time and sit down and create your seven posts for the week, schedule it all out, and then set it and forget about it.
If you choose Instagram to be your platform of choice, I am a Instagram Brand and Post Planner, so you can map out a months plan! Down below under resources you will see the link there to learn more.
Tip #4 – GO Live
Facebook live, Instagram live, Youtube Live or whatever social outlet you’ve chosen to build, focus on and master, you have to SHOW up LIVE at least one time per week live.
I do my 1 LIVE every Tuesday on Facebook page every single week.
Right now, Social media platforms are favoring accounts that are doing Lives.
And they want more people to be going live.
This means that when you go live, the social media platform is showing your content and your video to more people…for free.
AND, to people who are most likely to engage with that topic but don’t know you.
To take advantage of this incredible free opportunity that we get right now.
Tip #5 – Be Consistent to see results
My last tip is to mentally prepare yourself and so you have the right expectations for what everyone goes through when they’re first getting started on building a business on social media……
If you’re new to this be prepared for no one to pay attention to you or see your posts!
When you become consistent and you keep showing up, no matter what, each and every day, you will grow your audience, grow you reach and grow your impact!
People are watching you!! So give them something good to watch and don’t feel bad if in the beginning people aren’t engaging.
We all start there, it wasn’t too long ago, not a single person would show up on my lives.
You HAVE TO Just keep showing up.
It will grow, and it will take time, but you have to be very consistent with it and be prepared to keep showing up even if nobody else is.
So be consistent no matter what.
Social MEdia Tips - Wrap up
Don’t forget, getting people to engage with you and to start seeing your posts online and have people interested in what it is that you’re doing is only half the battle.
You’ve got to know exactly what to do with those people to convert them into a sale for you and your business.
That training topic is for another day!
Social Media Makeover – Learn More
Clean up your social media to start attracting more of the right people to you that want to learn more about what you do and what you have to offer.
Map Out Your IG Brand and Posts…Learn More
Create a game plan to dominate IG with out loosing your mind and spending more time not getting the results you want.
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