Simple Ways To Step Up Your Instagram Game
IG is HOT right now, and you need to stand out!
1. Profile Picture – I like to have this be the same as my FB and other accounts, for recognition. This is not a must, but I like them to know its me! The same girl from the other social media platforms!
2. Fill Out Bio – Make your bio clear and to the point on who you are and what your do. Make sure you have a link to your main website, a link tree profile or somewhere you can capture data and generate more interest or get a sale. I like to have my CTA right above my link. (This may mean there is text in bio under your CTA) Look at my bio and expand it to see what I mean!!
3. Add Special Font to Bio – This is really cool and will help you stand out in a loud place!! You can use websites like LINGOJAM or CoolFonts. Just copy and paste it into your bio!!
4. REPLY to all comments on your posts!!! Go back and give all the commnets a heart as well. To the right of the comment is a small heart. Click it!! You can even go back now on all your old posts and love those comments. The person who left it will get notifications and more than likely go check out what else you have been up to!
5. Dream Team?! – Is there someone you follow on IG and you know they would be an amazing customer, maybe a power partner or teammates. Maybe You just want to capture their attention on IG for a shout out.
Whatever it is, set your profile up to get notifications every time they post. This way you can be one the the first to comment on their picture and maybe just grab their attention when its done consistently!!
IG is a very visual platform, so lets stand out!
6. Shoot in Square from your phone – I cannot tell you enough how much this has helped my IG game. There has been a trend the past year or so and it’s about showing your entire body. Selfies are still cool every now and then, but full body pics are where its at.
People want to see what you are wearing, what you are doing ,where you are going and your environment. Not only has this helped me get better pictures, it has taken my husbands IG picture taking game to an entire new level!!
7. Shoot in Bursts – This is going to help you be able to pick out a natural candid picture versus a poised picture. Have who ever is taking the picture hold down th shutter button until the counter gets to 50-100. As you get better at posing you will be able to find your number.
Scroll through the bursts and pick out your favorites!!
8. Use 1 filter – For a uniform look and feel to your IG grid use 1 filter. You can change your settings to only allow for you to choose 1 filter while editing your post.
For the techy and advanced you can use adobe Lightroom. Purchase or create your own preset to have your photos looking like a pro and uniform across the grid!

9. Equipment – Having a light weight tripod, phone holder and shutter clicker is going to be your best friend if you can’t teach your friends to snap the right picture or if you work alone.
I have listed my favorite tripod, phone holder and clicker on my Favorites area. Click HERE to check it out!