I’d Like to Make a Toast…..
Cheers to doing things afraid, getting out of your own way, and playing big! #LizOutLoud
Cheers to doing things afraid, getting out of your own way, and playing big! #LizOutLoud
Do you want 2018 to be just like your 2017? Maybe you had an absolutely amazing 2017 and the answer is a big “heck yeah!” but I doubt it. Not…
Every Monday at 9pm EST!! Right here and on LizMedley.TV
We all can find reasons or excuses not to play all out and chase after what we truly want in life and business. I challenge you to push through and…
This years incentive trip was the best we have had yet! So thankful that we work with a company that values us and invests in our lives. If you would…
I faced my fear of doing FB Lives.. I finally one day just decided to go for it who cares! I have been flying high ever since <3 what an amazing feeling to be able to over come your fears..
Yes Jennifer. You go girl. I’m so proud of you.
Liz Medley thank you so much!
Jennifer Wertz-Medvec xoxo