How to Sell without being Salesy

5 Strategies to help you sell without being Salesy or Pushy
Sentences I regularly hear:
“I am not good at sales.”
“Liz, I don’t like selling.”
“I don’t want to bug or annoy people.”
100% I get it!! No one wants to be sold to and no one in sales wants to be annoying. Selling your products or services can be awkward.
Maybe you associate any kind of selling with grasping or greediness. Or trying to “get” someone.
Maybe you’re shy or uneasy about discussing your services, and products.
The thing is, without selling, you don’t have a business. Being able to effectively make sales is … well … it’s kind of important! Lucky for you it is a skill, so that means you can learn how to do it.
There’s no way around it if you want to build a business. Self-promotion is necessary to get the word out, to get people interested or to let them know what you are up to and why they should do business with you.
Sooo…..Let’s talk about how you can overcome your fear of being a sleazy salesperson and learn how to become a better marketer.
How to Sell without Being Salesy
Here is a little secret about me….
I hated feeling like I had to PITCH my products to make a sale.
Hated it!! This is when I started learning more about sales and growing that skill. I started using attraction marketing and learned how to lead with VALUE instead of the products I was selling…
What happened? People started reaching out to me asking about the products and business instead of me having to reach out to them and ask them to buy.
ALright, let’s get to it. Here are the 5 Strategies on How to Sell without Being Salesy.
Build The Connection
When it comes down to it, selling is soooo much about relationships. People want to do business with people they know like and trust.
When you take the time to connect with someone before sharing your products or service, you have a much higher chance of converting them into a customer.
Nothing feels more icky than when it seems as if someone only cares about our money and making that sale. It’s very important you don’t make your potential customers feel like that. BARF!!!!
Building a relationship is really the most important part of the sales process.
You want to get to know them, share inspirational stories, and build a trust-based relationship before ever considering trying to sell them something. See if what you offer is actually something they need or would benefit from.
You do that by consistently putting out value, sharing stories and being vulnerable in posts.
If the only time you create content is asking people to buy, and posting about what you sell they can’t help but feel like they are being sold to, and well….It’s gross!
Another great way to build connection with your audience is to ask them questions. And be genuinely interested in the answers they give. Make a connection, not a sale.
Sell the results, the transformation, the feelings, NOT a product
The truth….Nobody cares about what you are selling or what your business is. People care about what a service or product can do for them.
When creating content ask yourself: What results am I promising? What transformation will my audience experience?
Here are a few examples:
– You don’t sell a mattress. You sell better sleep.
– and You don’t see skincare. You sell flawless skin and confidence.
– You don’t sell a $99 work from home business kit. Sell the community of like minded people, and what is possible. The vacations, the flexibility, the extra income that can provide a solution.
Create stories around the transformations. Share testimonials or talk about your own results. Give your audience something to inspire them, and something they can relate to. This is a great way on how to sell without being salesy.
Love and Believe in what you are selling
You need to be school girl crazy, bouncing around the house excited about the stuff you are selling and what you are offering.
If you aren’t? You’re probably not feeling very confident about it, and lack of confidence will show up everytime you communicate.
If you don’t truly believe in whatever it is that you’re selling, it’s time to make some changes.
Enthusiasm is contagious, AND so is boredom. If you don’t deeply believe in the potential of your idea to help people, then others will simply not be lining up to buy what you got.
Provide Value
The first step to selling on social media without being salesy and pushy is to build trust with your followers first by providing value as often as you can.
This means showing up consistently, and with purposeful posts. Putting out content on the fly, or posting just for the sake of posting, will NOT get you the results you want and need. Prior to posting ask yourself, “what is the outcome I want from this post?” and creating a content calendar to help keep you on track.
By building trust, and teaching what you know or sharing about things you like, your audience will realize that what you offer will be worth their hard earned money.
Be Authentic
We hear this all the time. Be yourself, be you, show up as you are. BLAH BLAH BLAH…
What does it mean to be authentic?
Here’s how I see it. People buy from people they like. If you’re hiding behind a brand name, if you’re not sharing anything about you or your personality, you won’t be able to connect with your audience and it will affect your sales in a big way.
Put yourself out there. Share your story, what brought you to where you are. Share what’s going on in your life. Post pictures of you and show the real LIVE you in live videos.
Whatever you are creating and doing you want to use your own words and the language that resonates with your audience.
Don’t follow a dang script of what you think you should say. If it doesn’t actually sound like you or it makes you feel uncomfortable, DON’T use it.
Instead use the words and phrases that you and your audience actually use.
How to sell without being salesy - wrap up
If there is one main takeaway, just remember that people want to do business with other people.
Talk to customers like they’re a guest at your house, and build those lasting relationships.
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