How to Overcome Frustration

Have you ever felt completely frustrated with your lack of progress that you just want to give up?
Does it ever feel like no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t seem to make a difference?
If so, I get you. 100%
I have let frustration paralyze me with stress more times than I can count.
I’ve felt so helpless and clueless that I just want to throw in the towel.
Thank Goodness I dug in. I’ve learned some tricks and ways that have helped me over time and have gotten me through some pretty tough situations.
The next time you feel like giving up, I want you to remember this training and the 3 things I’m about to share with you. You may even want to save this post for when you need it…
3 Ways to deal with frustration
I heard a quote a few years back when I first opened my salon. So around 2003 or 2004.
It went like this…”Don’t wish it were easier…Wish you were better.” Instead of wishing I were better, I worked at getting better.
So what I want to say to you is…Don’t WISH FOR IT. WORK FOR IT!
Overcome frustration Tip #1 - Immerse yourself into personal development.
Read books like How to Win Friends and Influence People, The 7 habits of highly Effective people,Think and Grow Rich, The Magic of Thinking Big, You are a badass! I could make a list as big as your head! I love love love personal development.
If you prefer audio, listen to a podcast that motivates you, snag a book on audible. Listen to Youtube videos on personal development.
When I get into a funk I listen to a channel on Youtube called Be Inspired. It gets me so fired up and ready to go take action.
Overcome frustration tip #2 - Turn frustration into fascination
The emotion of frustration rarely produces a positive outcome. OK, like almost NEVER. When you become fascinated though with why something’s not working, it’s a more positive emotion that will motivate you to continue searching for the solution.
Here’s a game I play with myself… Whenever frustration shows up for me, I immediately say to myself, “This is fascinating. I am going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to find the solution to this. ” I also smile when I’m saying it to myself because the physiology of a smile will produce positive chemicals in your body.
Often I would shake my head and say this is so dumb. So I have to repeat, “fascination!! This is so fascinating!” so I can keep going and start looking into what I am missing to solve the problem or to overcome what is getting me down to begin with.
Overcome frustration tip #3 - stay active and keep going
Never allow feelings of frustration to weigh you down. If something isn’t working, improve your actions, try again, ask someone else to take a look and see where there is room for improvement. Or maybe something different you can try.
Whatever you do, keep moving, keep taking action and keep learning.
Overcome frustration - wrap up
Have you ever heard YOLO??
You Only Live once.
Do you want to spend these precious moments in life tormented with frustration, anxiety, fear, and overwhelm?
Or would it make more sense to spend them being fascinated, joyful, living a life full of excitement and fun?
Never forget life is only 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we react to it.
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