How to Hire A Business Coach

Not sure how to hire a business coach? This training will help you get the results you are looking for and a return on your investment fast from hiring the right business coach.
Are you at the point where you’re ready to scale your business and need help from a mentor or a coach?
Or maybe you’re even looking to purchase an online course to help you with something specific in your business.
From my personal experience I can say that after working with business coaches since 2006 and coaching 1000’s of people in my career, there are a few things that I want to share so you don’t waste your hard earned MONEY…. Or TIME.
I’ve done both. Wasted time and money on hiring the WRONG person to coach me.
I’ve also hired the best of the best for the job and got massive results that are still paying me residuals after all these years.
I want nothing more than to see entrepreneurs hit massive goals, while working smarter and not harder. I want to set you up to win so, check out this training before you hire your business coach.
In this training I want to leave you with actual steps and info that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.
I want you to get the most out of hiring a business coach or mentor. I want to give you the exact things you want to know before you hire a coach, mentor, or buy a course. This way you can make sure that all of your expectations get met, no disappointment or wasted time and money.
When people ask me how to hire a business coach
A lot of people that have come to me and asked, “Liz, can I hire you as a coach?” I always reply with, “What exactly do you need help with?” 99% of the time they respond with, “I don’t really know. I just need a mentor or a coach.”
This always leads me to think, “You don’t need a coach you need clarity.”
For you to get the most out of your coaching, trainings or anything that you’re investing in, you’ve got to know exactly what skills or area of business you’re looking to improve. Also what specific outcome you want to gain.
Without that clarity, you and your coach are going to be set up to fail.
Your coach may know someone who would be a better fit for you, if you know exactly what is is you are wanting to accomplish. Also you’re not going to know how to measure the success from hiring that coach, buying that course or hiring that mentor.
Before I take on a client, I usually run through these series of questions with them because I want to meet their expectations.
I ask them specifically and exactly what it is that they want to achieve if they were to hire me.
I’m going to always make sure that I’m the best person for the job, and if I’m not, I obviously won’t take on the client.
I refer them to someone or to a resource I know can help them, but I only take on clients that I know I can help. So everyone is winning.
If you’re a coach, you know how important that is.
The process on how to hire a business coach
I’m going to share with you what I do before I take on a client and what you should do before hiring your next business coach.
It’s so important that you have clear intentions and you know exactly what you want to accomplish with in your coaching period.
These 5 questions are something I use before hiring a coach…AND it’s also something I have my potential clients use before I even start working with them.
FIVE Questions to know the answers to before hiring your business coach.
- What is the EXACT RESULT that I am looking to accomplish during my coaching period?
(be very very very specific with time frame and numbers.) - How do I know that my coach is qualified and experiences in doing what I am looking to accomplish?
- What are some skills that are currently holding me back that I need to fill my coach in on?
(either your coach needs to be able to teach you how to learn these skills, or they need a resource to help you.) - How much time do I have each week to implement what I am learning?
- What are 3 levels of goals that I want to achieve??
*I would be happy if I accomplished at least…..
** This milestone would surprise me, but it would be super amazing if….
***This would BLOW MY MIND, and I don’t even know if it is possible….
Now you know exactly what you want. Make sure you find the best coach or course to meet those needs so you aren’t wasting time and money.
My own experience when hiring a business coach
I’ll just share a little example of how powerful it is to know exactly what you want as a result and setting your expectations from day one.
Back in 2006, I hired my very first coach.
It was when I owned the salon and was working in it and not spending much time working on it.
I had some very specific financial goals I wanted to hit, I also wanted to know who to set up my employees to win, and create a well oiled machine that worked when I wasn’t there.
If I hadn’t gone through that expectation questions, I would not have gotten what I wanted to get out of that coaching program.
It was my very first business I was 19, only had worked as a lifeguard and there was a lot i needed to learn and I wanted to learn it quick.
Hiring a business coach that was specific to salon owners, had coached all the top salon owners in the profession, I knew they would coach me to be exactly where I wanted.
We grew that salon to be in the top 1% of salons in the USA and Canada. That would have never happened so quickly, or possibly ever with out the right coach.
Since then I have hired coaches ranging from, online strategy, financial coaches, network marketing coaches and so on.
Now, I believe my success had a little bit to do with the coaches…but had a lot to do with knowing exactly what I wanted and making sure that all expectations were met and a lot of damn hard work throughout the journey of working with my coach.
How To Hire a Business Coach – wrap up
Hiring a coach or mentor can change your business dramatically.
Every successful Entrepreneur I know has a coach.
It is VERY important that you hire one who already has experience in the areas that you need help with and has the results to show for it.
So if you’re ready to hire a coach and you don’t want to waste MONEY or TIME and want to make the most out of your investment…make sure you spend some time with the questions above before you take that next step in your business.
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