How to Balance Work and Family

It’s not easy balancing work and home, but how well you manage this can make a significant difference to your relationship with your family.
A child should never be made to feel like they’re an inconvenience or a second-place priority to your work or business. I’m not going to play and tell you I always had or have an amazing balance with my work and family life. Because I don’t!!! There was most definitely a time I was and still am that mom who said things, like: “I can’t go to the park. I’ve got to get ready for this meeting that I have to do!”
Work life balance is something most parents crave. It’s one reason I fell in love with this social selling business model because it allows me to work more flexibly and I can be home instead of away at work.
Here are a few ways to balance work and family time and be better at both!
How to balance work and family
Our children won’t forget that feeling of not being a priority. We have to catch ourselves in those moments when we want to say, “one more minute” or “let me finish this first”. The last thing we want is for our children to resent the fact that we are building a business.
For me so much of WHY I build a business from home is to be with my daughter and for her and her future. So there has to be balance there and not let my WHY become my WHY NOT!
Here are a few ideas on how you can balance work and family life!
Tip # 1 - Let Go of the guilt
Rather than dwell on how you’re not with your child, think about how your work is benefitting the family. Does doing this work allow you to pay for extra opportunities for your children or you’re able to put away savings for college?
or Maybe it’s guilt of being with your kids and not doing the work you know you need to get done. The guilt can go both ways and with these other tips I am going to share it will help ease that pain and create a little more balance.
There will be good and bad days. Mothers should know they are not alone and they should discuss their feelings with partners and even finding a FB support group for working moms!
Tip # 2 - Make mornings easier
Avoid starting the day racing around trying to get everyone ready and out the door. Start by getting organized the night before.
Pack the kids’ lunches together, lay out their clothes and your own. Decide what to make for breakfast, and repack backpacks, purses, gym bags or work bags and place them by the door ready to go!
Look over the next day’s to-do list and talk to your kids if they are old enough about what tomorrow or the week has in store for the family and what they can look forward to doing.
Knowing that a lot of the mundane tasks are completed will allow you to spend time in the am eating breakfast with the kids without rushing out of the house.
Tip #3 Create Special Family Activities
Making time for your kids is important to do during the week as well as on the weekends.
If you’re pressed for time, have a family breakfast or a family night with board games or movies. Plan activities regularly that fit into your schedule so everyone has something to look forward to.
When you do these family activities, try and avoid talking about work or checking your phone. I know it’s hard!!!
The truth is, if you give your kid about 15 minutes of undivided attention they are over you!!!
So focus on your kids’ interests, ask questions about their friends, classes, and hobbies. Truthfully it doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you do it together.
Tip #4 - Create a schedule and be flexible
Block off time that you will only use that tie to spend with family. Also set time when you will only do work for your business. Prioritize, what has to be done today, this week, or month. If you don’t get done what you want before it’s family time just know it is OK!. DON”T be so hard on yourself.
Focus on income producing activities, things that only you can do and work down your list. m
tip #5 - work when others are sleeping
If you don’t get done what you wanted while your family was awake spend time while they are snoozing to finish up or get done what you have to. Maybe this means getting up an hour early or staying up an hour later.
Tip # 6 - Deligate at work and home
Not only do you have to get rid of guilt you have rid yourself as an entrepreneur and a parents the idea that you have to do everything yourself.
“If I want it done I’ll just do it myself.” I’ve said this for years and it’s total BS!
The belief that you have to have a hand in everything is often a misconception of being an entrepreneur. Attempting to take on everything at work and at home guarantees that things will fall through the cracks.
I quickly found that relying on others who enjoy some fo the things I don’t like, or specialize in the things I need to get done produced better results and I wasn’t stressed to the max!
Some examples: Someone else cleaning my house!! Graphic designers, even though I love it it was taking up way way way too much of my time that I could have been with my family or doing activities that only I can do!
Tip #7 - Be mindful
Multitasking seems like it was designed for those of us balancing a business and a child. However, trying to do both roles at once usually results in doing neither role well.
Before I figured this out, I definitely had times when I short-changed my daughter by attempting to answer a work email while playing with him. And I didn’t do my customer a favor, because I missed an important question while trying to do both. Whether you’re doing something for work or something for your family, dedicate all of your attention to that task. Being mindful can actually end up saving you time, energy and money!
Balancing Work and family - wrap up
In balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, neglecting to take care of yourself is easy. However, you’re the glue that holds everything together!
I learned the hard way that neglecting myself, my health, physically and mentally, lead to terrible decisions as a boss and leader and as a parent. Now between sleep, exercise and unplugging, I am finding time to fulfill my own needs and recharge myself. It makes me more effective in everything I do.
Sometimes this requires a little creativity. Just remember, creating harmony between your role as entrepreneur and your role as parent starts by finding balance in yourself.
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