The 7 Network Marketing Fundamental Skills
Be productive in your Network Marketing business. Not busy!!! Here are 7 things you need to be great at.
THE seven fundamental skills that you need to be good at if you are in Network Marketing and sales. These skills you can work on growing, getting better at and will increase your pay, increase your team size and create more freedom for your life.
NO matter what company you are with in network marketing it’s the same set of skills. Yes, if you are with a Travel company, makeup or skincare, tupperware or fitness, the list goes on. It is the same set of skills!
Prospecting is finding, sorting and sifting through the people to talk to about your product. You’ve heard of a 100’s list. This would be a list of people you can prospect for your business. Everyone can fit into your business one way or another. They can become a business partner, a customer, or someone who connects you with someone who would be a great fit for your business or products/service.
2-Invitation to your prospects
Second skill is to invite people to look at your business and/or to check out your products or service.
3-Presenting the business opportunity
Third skill is to present your business to your prospects. You may use a third party video or tool, your upline or a business partner or even a voice message if you are building your business on social media.
4-Making the close
Fourth skill is to get the prospects committed, signed up and registered as a business partner. There is so so much great training on sales trainings online. With reading and learning, then practicing this skill you will grow this skill quick and it will make a huge impact in your business. Go ahead and Google “how to close the prospects” to get more information on it and find a system you like.
5- Following up
If you were not able to close some of your prospects – follow them to try again. People do NOT get crossed off your list until they join you in business or they die! Timing may not have been right when you offered the business or product the first time. Keep following up, let them know you will follow up in a few months and check back in on them. When you let them know you will check in again at a later time, you won’t feel like “you are bugging” them when you do! They will appreciate the follow up!
6-Getting your new distributors started
Help your prospects stand on their feet and become strong as it will in turn make your business grow. Let them know it is going to take hard work, and you will teach them everything you know. There will be highs and there will be lows in this business, and to expect them. I want to get you on your own two feet to get you independent to me of me as quick as we can! Make as many mistakes as you can as quick as you can, and you will become great quick!
7-Personal development
Spending a few minutes every day to develop yourself by learning new things – it will help you and your businesses flourish. 10 minutes every day will make a huge change. Study mindset, study skills, and learn something that makes you want to take massive action. If there is an area of business you struggle in, spend 10 minutes a day for a week and see what happens to your and your business.
The seven fundamental skills are simple and incoming producing skills. You will see so much growth and positive changes by practicing these skills.
Hey Liz!!!
Hey girly.
Hello from Teesside UK 🇬🇧
Hey in Teeside
We can’t work harder…. we can only work smarter! 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Can i get an amen?!!!
Would love the steps Liz!
Alright! I have it on my list. The steps to making a business opportunity video!
Liz Medley & Co 😊
Liz Medley & Co 😊
The steps would be great 👍
Alright. I’ll put it on my list.
Steps to creating a third party business overview
Liz Medley & Co thank you so much ❤️💓😘
Ellissa Lapier you’re so welcome.