4 Ways to Improve Self Confidence

When you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot do that,’ then you have to go do that, and that voice will be silenced.

Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone or something. So…Self-confidence is trusting yourself to success and not doubting yourself. 

Self confidence can be influenced by our upbringing. work environment, level of dedication towards pursuing a cause to a goal or results.

When you meet someone with incredible self confidence it’s because they have worked on it for years. Whether is was intentional or not. Confidence is like a muscles. It can be built!!

It’s a great skill to work on because the world we live in is challenging and can ben sooo hard on us. 

Here are 4 ways to grow your confidence NOW

1. Visualize yourself as you want to be. When confidence is low or a person has low confidence, they have a poor perception of themselves. This usually is NOT at all how others see them. It’s mental!!! 

Visualize a Freaking Fantastic version of yourself, achieving your goals! Visualize it often and you will be on your way!

2. Affirmations – Affirm yourself. Affirmations are the BOMB!!!!! To make a lasting change we have to change you we view ourselves and what we are saying to ourselves. An Affirmation is a positive statement that we say to ourselves or and over again.

A lot of people say negative affirmations about themselves and start to believe them. We have to change the lie and make these positive statements. 

To get out brain “warmed up” phrase your affirmations in question form. Our brains are wired to seek answers to questions. 

So instead of saying I am strong, ask Why am I strong? Instead of I am beautiful, Why am I beautiful??

Make a list of a few questions you can ask yourself everyday, and ask yourself and answer out loud!!! 

3. Do something that scares you!!! Every day!! FACE YOUR FEARS! Do you know the number one cure for fear??? ACTION!! 

This is one of the quickest ways to gain confidence and that confidence will start showing up in other areas of your life.

If you are afraid of snakes, go to someones house who has a snake. The next day sit in the same room as the snake. The next day take the lid off the cage and sit in the room. Next day get a little closer to the snake. The next touch the snake, so on and so on until you can say “I am NOT afraid of SNAKES!!!!” 
You can practice this with anything that causes you fear. 

Remember FEAR is NOT REAL!!!

Read that again!!

NO ONE!!!! We are all equal. When you can make this mindset shift, that humans are all equal, the comparisons and self doubt will vanish! 

We are all equal!!!

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